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How it Works

The 'signature minting' mechanism is a way for a contract admin to authorize an external party's request to mint tokens on the admin's contract.

Any wallet with the ADMIN role can sign a 'payload' or 'mint request' that specifies e.g. what address should the tokens be minted to, what price should be collected in exchange for the minted tokens, the metadata, etc.

Any external party can then present the payload, along with the signature generated from a contract admin to the smart contract that implements a SignatureMint extension. Tokens will then be minted according to the information specified in the payload.

Signature Minting Technical Steps

Contracts that have signature minting enabled have to inherit from the SignatureMint extension.

  • Deploying a contract, either via Explore or a custom contract, that inherits from one of the SignatureMint extensions.
  • An ADMIN role wallet generates a signed payload that outlines the specifics of the minting request, typalling using the SDK. For details on payload fields, refer to the Terms section below.
  • A wallet, typically belonging to a user, invokes the mintWithSignature function using the supplied payload to mint the token. This is easiest when performed using the (Contract SDK)[/sdk].


  • MintRequest or Payload

The fields in MintRequest are what make up a payload or 'mint request'. This is the payload that a contract admin signs off, to be used by an external party to mint tokens on the admin's contract.

When any external party presents a payload to the contract implementing the 'signature minting' extension, tokens are minted exactly according to the information specified in the presented MintRequest.

struct MintRequest {
address to;
address royaltyRecipient;
uint256 royaltyBps;
address primarySaleRecipient;
uint256 tokenId;
string uri;
uint256 quantity;
uint256 pricePerToken;
address currency;
uint128 validityStartTimestamp;
uint128 validityEndTimestamp;
bytes32 uid;