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import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/extension/Staking721.sol";

The Staking721 smart contract extension implements NFT staking mechanism. With this extension you can setup a staking contract for NFT holders of your ERC721 Collection. Users can stake their NFTs and earn ERC20 tokens as rewards.


This is an example smart contract demonstrating how to inherit from this extension and override the functions to add (optional) custom functionality.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/extension/Staking721.sol";
import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/eip/interface/IERC20.sol";

contract MyContract is Staking721 {
// ERC20 Reward Token address. See {_mintRewards}.
address public rewardToken;

* We store the contract deployer's address only for the purposes of the example
* in the code comment below.
* Doing this is not necessary to use the `Staking721` extension.
address public deployer;

uint256 _timeUnit,
uint256 _rewardsPerUnitTime,
address _stakingToken,
address _rewardToken
) Staking721(_stakingToken) {
_setStakingCondition(_timeUnit, _rewardsPerUnitTime);

rewardToken = _rewardToken;
deployer = msg.sender;

* @dev Mint/Transfer ERC20 rewards to the staker. Must override.
* @param _staker Address for sending rewards to.
* @param _rewards Amount of tokens to be given out as reward.
function _mintRewards(address _staker, uint256 _rewards) internal override {
IERC20(rewardToken).transfer(_staker, _rewards);

// Returns whether staking restrictions can be set in given execution context.
function _canSetStakeConditions() internal view override returns (bool) {
return msg.sender == deployer;

Base Contracts Implementing This Extension

Full API Reference

function stake(uint256[] calldata tokenIds) external;
  • Lets a user stake a number of ERC721 tokens by passing in token-Ids.
  • Parameter tokenIds: List of token-Ids to stake.
function withdraw(uint256[] calldata tokenIds) external;
  • Un-stake and withdraw NFTs from the contract.
  • Parameter tokenIds: List of token-Ids to withdraw.
function claimRewards() external;
  • Claim accumulated rewards. This claim method allows for a pull mechanism where users must initiate claiming of rewards.
function getStakeInfo(address staker) external view returns (uint256 tokensStaked, uint256 rewards);
  • View number of NFTs staked and total rewards available for a user.
  • Parameter staker: Account address of staker.
function setRewardsPerUnitTime(uint256 rewardsPerUnitTime) external;
  • Allows an authorized account to set rewards per unit of time. Interpreted as x rewards per second/per day/etc based on time-unit.
  • Parameter rewardsPerUnitTime: New rewards per unit time.
function setTimeUnit(uint256 timeUnit) external;
  • Allows an authorized account to set time unit as a number of seconds. For e.g. 1 hour can be set as 3600 seconds - setting the reward frequency as per hour.
  • Parameter timeUnit: New time unit.