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Send a raw transaction to the blockchain from the connected wallet.


Create a TransactionRequest object with the raw transaction data, and pass it to this method.

The method will return the transaction receipt once the transaction is mined.

const txResult = await sdk.wallet.sendRawTransaction({
accessList: [], // The AccessList to include; only available for EIP-2930 and EIP-1559 transactions.
blockTag: "latest", // A BlockTag specifies a specific block location in the Blockchain.
ccipReadEnabled: false, //
customData: {}, // The transaction data.
from: "0x...", // The address this transaction is from.
gasLimit: 100000, // The maximum amount of gas this transaction is permitted to use.
gasPrice: 100000, // The price (in wei) per unit of gas this transaction will pay.
maxFeePerGas: 100000, // The maximum price (in wei) per unit of gas this transaction will pay
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0, // The price (in wei) per unit of gas this transaction will allow in addition to the block's base fee
nonce: 0, // The nonce used as part of the proof-of-work to mine this block.
type: 0, // The EIP-2718 type of this transaction envelope, or undefined for to use the network default
value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1"), // send 0.1 ether with the contract call



The raw transaction data to be sent to the blockchain.

Must be an object of type TransactionRequest, which can contain the following properties:

to?: string,
from?: string,
nonce?: BigNumberish,
gasLimit?: BigNumberish,
gasPrice?: BigNumberish,
data?: BytesLike,
value?: BigNumberish,
chainId?: number
type?: number;
accessList?: AccessListish;
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
customData?: Record<string, any>;
ccipReadEnabled?: boolean;