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Functionality available for contracts that implement the IERC1155 and IMintableERC1155 interfaces.

Allows you to mint new NFTs on the contract.

By default, the NFT metadata is uploaded and pinned to IPFS before minting. You can override this default behavior by providing a string that points to valid metadata object instead of an object.


Mint a new NFT to the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.Mint(new NFTMetadataWithSupply() {
supply = 1,
metadata = new NFTMetadata() {
name = "My NFT", // Name of the NFT
image = "my-image-url", // An image URL or IPFS URI
// Any other valid metadata properties


Provide a string that points to, or an NFTMetadataWithSupply struct containing metadata that conforms to the metadata standards, along with the supply of the NFT to mint.

If you provide a struct, the metadata is uploaded and pinned to IPFS before the NFT(s) are minted.

The image property can be an IPFS URI, or a URL to an image.


The same as mint, but allows you to specify the address of the wallet rather than using the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.MintTo("{{wallet_address}}", new NFTMetadataWithSupply() {
supply = 1,
metadata = new NFTMetadata() {
name = "My NFT", // Name of the NFT
image = "my-image-url", // An image URL or IPFS URI
// Any other valid metadata properties


The address of the wallet you want to mint the NFT to.

Must be a string.


Same as metadataWithSupply in the mint method.


Mint additional quantity of an NFT that already exists on the contract.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.MintAdditionalSupply("{{token_id}}", 1);


The ID of the NFT you want to mint additional supply for.

Must be a string.


How much additional supply you want to mint.

Must be an int.


The same as mintAdditionalSupply, but allows you to specify the address of the wallet rather than using the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC1155.MintAdditionalSupplyTo("{{wallet_address", "{{token_id}}", 1);


The address of the wallet you want to mint the NFT to.

Must be a string.


The ID of the NFT you want to mint additional supply for.

Must be a string.


How much additional supply you want to mint.

Must be an int.