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Hook for determining the current bid buffer on a Marketplace or Marketplace V3 contract.

The bid buffer is what percentage higher the next bid must be than the current highest bid, or the starting price if there are no bids.

import { useBidBuffer } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

const { data, isLoading, error } = useBidBuffer(contract, listingId);


Provide your marketplace contract as the first argument, and the listing ID as the second argument.

import { useBidBuffer, useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

// Your smart contract address
const contractAddress = "{{contract_address}}";
// Listing ID to get the bid buffer for
const listingId = 1;

function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress, "marketplace");
const {
data: bidBuffer,
} = useBidBuffer(contract, listingId);


listingId (required)

listingId (required)

The listing ID of the item that you want to get the bid buffer for.

The listing must be an auction (or english auction) listing, the hook will populate the error property if it is not.

import { useBidBuffer, useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

// Your smart contract address
const contractAddress = "{{contract_address}}";
const listingId = "{{listing_id}}";

function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress, "marketplace");
const {
data: bidBuffer,
} = useBidBuffer(

Return Value

Return Value

The hook's data property, once loaded, returns a BigNumber value representing the current bid buffer.

bidBuffer: BigNumber;

The bidBuffer value returned is in percentage format. For example, a value of 500 means that the next bid must be 5% higher than the current highest bid.