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When using the Marketplace smart contract, additional top-level functionality is available to use.

To access the top-level functionality, provide the marketplace contract type when creating the contract instance:

const contract = await sdk.getContract(
"marketplace", // Provide the "marketplace" contract type


Set the marketplace to accept the listing of NFTs from any smart contract.

const txResult = await contract.allowListingFromAnyAsset();


Set the marketplace to accept the listing of only NFTs from a specific NFT smart contract.

const txResult = await contract.allowListingFromSpecificAssetOnly(


The address of the NFT smart contract to allow listing from.

Must be a string.

Auction - buyoutListing

const txResult = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to buy.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Auction - cancelListing

Cancel a listing that you made.

Note: Auction listings cannot be canceled if a bid has been made.

const txResult = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to cancel.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Auction - closeListing

Closes the auction and execute the sale for the buyer or the seller.

When an auction is finished, the closeAuction needs to be called for both the buyer and the seller.

The closeAuction function takes in a closeFor value as the second parameter.

  • When the closeFor value is the address of the buyer, they are transferred the funds from the highest bid.
  • When the closeFor value is the address of the seller, the NFT is transferred to them.

Any wallet address can call this function once an auction has completed.

const txResult = await
"{{wallet_address}}", // Buyer or seller wallet address


The ID of the listing to close.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The address of the buyer or seller to close the auction for.

Must be a string.

Auction - createListing

List an NFT for sale in an auction listing on the marketplace.

// If you want to use the native token as the currency, import the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant
import { NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS } from "@thirdweb-dev/sdk";

const tx = await{
assetContractAddress: "{{contract_address}}", // address of the contract the asset you want to list is on
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // token ID of the asset you want to list
startTimestamp: new Date(), // when should the listing open up for offers
listingDurationInSeconds: 86400, // how long the listing will be open for in seconds
quantity: "{{quantity}}", // how many of the asset you want to list
currencyContractAddress: NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing
buyoutPricePerToken: "{{price_to_buy}}", // how much people would have to bid to instantly buy the asset
reservePricePerToken: "{{minimum_bid_price}}", // the minimum bid that will be accepted for the token


The address of the NFT smart contract that you are listing.

Must be a string.


The token ID of the NFT to list for sale.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The date and time that the listing should start.

Must be a Date object.


How long the auction is open for, in seconds.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The quantity of the NFT to list for sale.

Only relevant for ERC1155 NFTs. For ERC721 NFTs, this value should be 1.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing.

To use the native currency, use the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant.

Must be a string.


The price that users must pay to purchase the NFT from the auction, immediately closing the auction and executing a sale event for both buyer and seller.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The minimum bid that will be accepted for the NFT.

Bids below this amount cannot be placed on the auction.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Auction - executeSale

Close the auction for both buyer and seller.

This means that the NFT is transferred to the buyer, and the seller is paid the amount of the winning bid.

const txResult = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to execute the sale for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Auction - getBidBufferBps

View the current bid buffer set on the marketplace.

The bid buffer is what percentage higher the next bid must be than the current highest bid.

The value is returned in basis points format, i.e. 100 basis points is equal to 1%.

const bidBufferBps = await;

Return Value

The current bid buffer set on the marketplace.


Auction - getListing

Get the details of a listing using the listing ID.

const listing = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to get the details for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

Returns an AuctionListing object, containing the following properties:

* The id of the listing
id: string;
* The address of the asset being listed.
assetContractAddress: string;
* The ID of the token to list.
tokenId: BigNumberish;
* The asset being listed.
asset: NFTMetadata;
* The start time of the listing.
startTimeInEpochSeconds: BigNumberish;
* Number of seconds until the auction expires.
endTimeInEpochSeconds: BigNumberish;
* The quantity of tokens to include in the listing.
* For ERC721s, this value should always be 1 (and will be forced internally regardless of what is passed here).
quantity: BigNumberish;
* The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyContractAddress: string;
* The reserve price is the minimum price that a bid must be in order to be accepted.
reservePrice: BigNumber;
* The buyout price of the listing.
buyoutPrice: BigNumber;
* The `CurrencyValue` of the buyout price listing.
* Useful for displaying the price information.
buyoutCurrencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue;
* The `CurrencyValue` of the reserve price.
* Useful for displaying the price information.
reservePriceCurrencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue;
* The address of the seller.
sellerAddress: string;
type: ListingType.Auction;

Auction - getMinimumNextBid

Get the value that the next bid must be in order to be accepted.

  • If there is no current bid, this value is the reserve price.
  • If there is a current bid, this value is the current bid plus the bid buffer.
const minimumNextBid = await


The ID of the listing to get the minimum next bid for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

The minimum next bid for the listing.

symbol: string;
value: BigNumber;
name: string;
decimals: number;
displayValue: string;

Auction - getWinner

Get the address that won an auction after an auction has ended.

const winner = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to get the winner for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

The wallet address of the winner.


Auction - getWinningBid

Get the current highest bid of an active auction.

const winningBid = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to get the winning bid for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

The current highest bid of the auction.

* The id of the listing.
listingId: BigNumberish;
* The address of the buyer who made the offer.
buyerAddress: string;
* The quantity of tokens to be bought.
quantityDesired: BigNumberish;
* The amount of coins offered per token.
pricePerToken: BigNumber;
* The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
currencyValue: CurrencyValue;
* The currency contract address of the offer token.
currencyContractAddress: string;

Auction - makeBid

Place a bid on an auction listing.

const txResult = await


The ID of the listing to make a bid on.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The amount to bid per token.

  • For ERC721 NFTs, this is the amount to bid to buy the NFT.
  • For ERC1155 NFTs, this is the amount to buy a token.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Auction - updateListing

Update the listing details of an auction listing.

// If you want to use the native token as the currency, import the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant
import { NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS } from "@thirdweb-dev/sdk";

const txResult = await{
id: "{{listing_id}}", // The listing you want to update

// New information about the listing (see "createListing" for more details)
assetContractAddress: "{{contract_address}}", // address of the contract the asset you want to list is on
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // token ID of the asset you want to list
startTimestamp: new Date(), // when should the listing open up for offers
listingDurationInSeconds: 86400, // how long the listing will be open for in seconds
quantity: "{{quantity}}", // how many of the asset you want to list
currencyContractAddress: NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing
buyoutPricePerToken: "{{price_to_buy}}", // how much people would have to bid to instantly buy the asset
reservePricePerToken: "{{minimum_bid_price}}", // the minimum bid that will be accepted for the token

Provide an id property to specify the listing you want to update.

See createListing for details that you can update about the listing.

Direct - acceptOffer

Accept an offer placed on your direct listing.

const txResult = await


The ID of the listing to accept an offer for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The wallet address of the offeror.

Must be a string.

Direct - buyoutListing

Buy the NFT(s) for sale on a direct listing.

const txResult = await


The ID of the listing to buyout.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The quantity of NFTs to buy from the listing.

Only applicable for ERC1155 NFTs. For ERC721 NFTs, this should be 1.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

receiver (optional)

Optionally, buy the NFTs for a different wallet address other than the connected wallet.

Must be a string.

Direct - cancelListing

Cancel a direct listing you created.

Direct listings can be canceled at any time, unless a buyout has already been made.

const txResult = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to cancel.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Direct - createListing

List an NFT for sale on the marketplace for direct purchase.

// If you want to use the native token as the currency, import the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant
import { NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS } from "@thirdweb-dev/sdk";

const tx = await{
assetContractAddress: "0x...", // address of the contract the asset you want to list is on
tokenId: "0", // token ID of the asset you want to list
startTimestamp: new Date(), // when should the listing open up for offers
listingDurationInSeconds: 86400, // how long the listing will be open for
quantity: 1, // how many of the asset you want to list
currencyContractAddress: NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing
buyoutPricePerToken: "1.5", // how much the asset will be sold for


The address of the NFT smart contract the asset you want to list is on.

Must be a string.


The token ID of the NFT you want to list.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The date and time when the listing should open up for offers.

Must be a Date object.


How long the listing is open for, in seconds.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The quantity of NFTs to list.

Only applicable for ERC1155 NFTs. For ERC721 NFTs, this should be 1.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing.

To use the native token, use the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant.

Must be a string.


The price that users can buy the NFT for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Direct - getActiveOffer

Get an active offer on a listing from a specific wallet address, if there is one.

const offer = await


The ID of the listing to get the active offer for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The wallet address of the offeror.

Must be a string.

Return Value

If there is no active offer made by the offerorAddress, returns undefined.

Otherwise, returns an Offer object with the following properties:

* The id of the listing.
listingId: BigNumberish;
* The address of the buyer who made the offer.
buyerAddress: string;
* The quantity of tokens to be bought.
quantityDesired: BigNumberish;
* The amount of coins offered per token.
pricePerToken: BigNumber;
* The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
currencyValue: CurrencyValue;
* The currency contract address of the offer token.
currencyContractAddress: string;

Direct - getListing

Get a direct listing by its ID.

const listing = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to get.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

Returns a DirectListing object containing the following properties:

* The id of the listing.
id: string;
* The address of the asset being listed.
assetContractAddress: string;
* The ID of the token to list.
tokenId: BigNumberish;
* The asset being listed.
asset: NFTMetadata;
* The start time of the listing.
startTimeInSeconds: BigNumberish;
* Number of seconds until the listing expires.
secondsUntilEnd: BigNumberish;
* The quantity of tokens to include in the listing.
* For ERC721s, this value should always be 1 (and will be forced internally regardless of what is passed here).
quantity: BigNumberish;
* The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyContractAddress: string;
* The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
buyoutCurrencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue;
* The buyout price of the listing.
buyoutPrice: BigNumber;
* The address of the seller.
sellerAddress: string;
type: ListingType.Direct;

Direct - isStillValidListing

Check if a direct listing is still valid, meaning:

The asset holder has not transferred the asset to another wallet The asset holder has not burned the asset The asset holder has not removed the approval on the marketplace

const isValid = await"{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to check.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

valid: boolean;
error?: string | undefined;

Direct - makeOffer

Make an offer to buy an NFT for a certain price on a direct listing.

const txResult = await
new Date( + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000), // e.g offer expires 1 day from now


The ID of the listing to make an offer for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The quantity of NFTs to buy.

Only applicable for ERC1155 NFTs. For ERC721 NFTs, this should be 1.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing.

To use the native token, use the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant.

Must be a string.


The price to offer to buy the NFT for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

expiresAt (optional)

The time at which the offer expires.

If not provided, the offer will never expire (uses max possible timestamp MaxUint256).

Must be a Date object.

Direct - updateListing

Update a direct listing.

const txResult = await{
id: "{{listing_id}}", // The listing you want to update

// The new information about the listing
assetContractAddress: "0x...", // address of the contract the asset you want to list is on
tokenId: "0", // token ID of the asset you want to list
startTimestamp: new Date(), // when should the listing open up for offers
listingDurationInSeconds: 86400, // how long the listing will be open for
quantity: 1, // how many of the asset you want to list
currencyContractAddress: NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // address of the currency contract that will be used to pay for the listing
buyoutPricePerToken: "1.5", // how much the asset will be sold for

Provide the id of the listing you want to update, and the new information about the listing.

See createListing for more information about the properties.


Get all active listings on the marketplace, both direct and auction listings.

An active listing means it can be bought or bid on.

const listings = await contract.getActiveListings();

filter (optional)

A filter to apply to the listings returned.

const listings = await contract.getActiveListings(
offeror: "{[wallet_address}}", // Only return listings that have an offer from this address
seller: "{{wallet_address}}", // Only return listings that have been created by this address
tokenContract: "{{contract_address}}", // Only return listings that are selling tokens from this contract
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Only return listings that are selling this token ID
start: 0, // Pagination: start at this index
count: 0, // Pagination: return this many listings

Return Value

Returns an array containing both DirectListing objects and AuctionListing objects.

(DirectListing | AuctionListing)[];


Get all the listings on the marketplace, including inactive ones.

const listings = await contract.getAllListings();

filter (optional)

A filter to apply to the listings returned.

await contract.getAllListings(
offeror: "{[wallet_address}}", // Only return listings that have an offer from this address
seller: "{{wallet_address}}", // Only return listings that have been created by this address
tokenContract: "{{contract_address}}", // Only return listings that are selling tokens from this contract
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Only return listings that are selling this token ID
start: 0, // Pagination: start at this index
count: 0, // Pagination: return this many listings

Return Value

Returns an array containing both DirectListing objects and AuctionListing objects.

(DirectListing | AuctionListing)[];


Get the current bid buffer basis points of the marketplace.

const bidBufferBps = await contract.getBidBufferBps();

Return Value

Returns in percentage format, i.e. 100 = 1%.



Get a listing by its ID, regardless of whether it is a direct or auction listing.

const listing = await contract.getListing("{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to get.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

Returns a DirectListing or AuctionListing object.

AuctionListing | DirectListing;


Get all the offers made on a listing.

const offers = await contract.getOffers("{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to get offers for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

Returns an array of Offer objects.

* The id of the listing.
listingId: BigNumberish;
* The address of the buyer who made the offer.
buyerAddress: string;
* The quantity of tokens to be bought.
quantityDesired: BigNumberish;
* The amount of coins offered per token.
pricePerToken: BigNumber;
* The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
currencyValue: CurrencyValue;
* The currency contract address of the offer token.
currencyContractAddress: string;


Get the current time buffer in seconds of the marketplace.

The time buffer is the amount of seconds that are added to the close time of the auction listing when a new bid is made.

const timeBufferInSeconds = await contract.getTimeBufferInSeconds();

Return Value

Returns in seconds.



Get the total number of listings on the marketplace.

const totalCount = await contract.getTotalCount();

Return Value

Returns the total number of listings on the marketplace.



A marketplace can be restricted to only allow wallet addresses with the LISTER role to create listings.

This method returns true or false depending on whether this configuration is set.

const isRestrictedToListerRoleOnly =
await contract.isRestrictedToListerRoleOnly();

Return Value

Returns true or false.



Create a new bid on an auction listing or a new offer on a direct listing.

const txResult = await contract.makeOffer(


The ID of the listing to make an offer/bid on.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The price per token to offer/bid.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The quantity of tokens to offer/bid on.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


Set the bid buffer basis points of the marketplace.

The bid buffer is the amount of percentage that is added to the current highest bid when a new bid is made.

const txResult = await contract.setBidBufferBps("{{bid_buffer_bps}}");


The bid buffer basis points to set.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


Set the time buffer in seconds of the marketplace.

The time buffer is the amount of seconds that are added to the close time of the auction listing when a new bid is made.

const txResult = await contract.setTimeBufferInSeconds(


The time buffer in seconds to set.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.