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When using the Multiwrap smart contract, additional top-level functionality is available to use.

To access the top-level functionality, provide the multiwrap contract type when creating the contract instance:

const contract = await sdk.getContract(
"multiwrap", // Provide the "multiwrap" contract type

As each multiwrap NFT is a newly created NFT, in addition to functionalities listed, the multiwrap contract also implements the following extensions for you to use:


Get the NFT balance of the connected wallet (number of NFTs in this contract owned by the connected wallet).

const balance = await contract.erc721.balance();

Return Value

Returns a BigNumber representing the number of NFTs owned by the connected wallet.



Get a wallets NFT balance (number of NFTs in this contract owned by the wallet).

const walletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";
const balance = await contract.erc721.balanceOf(walletAddress);


The wallet address to check the balance for.

Must be a string.

const balance = await contract.erc721.balanceOf(

Return Value

Returns a BigNumber representing the number of NFTs owned by the wallet.



Get the metadata for an NFT in this contract using its token ID.

Metadata is fetched from the uri property of the NFT.

If the metadata is hosted on IPFS, the metadata is fetched and made available as an object. The objects image property will be a URL that is available through the thirdweb IPFS gateway.

const tokenId = 0;
const nft = await contract.erc721.get(tokenId);


The token ID of the NFT to get the metadata for.

Must be a BigNumber, number, or string.

const nft = await contract.erc721.get(

Return Value

Returns an NFT object containing the NFT metadata.

metadata: {
id: string;
uri: string; // The raw URI of the metadata
owner: string;
name?: string | number | undefined;
description?: string | null | undefined;
image?: string | null | undefined; // If the image is hosted on IPFS, the URL is<hash>
external_url?: string | null | undefined;
animation_url?: string | null | undefined;
background_color?: string | undefined;
properties?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | {
[x: string]: unknown;
}[] | undefined;
type: "ERC721";

get - Contract Metadata

Get the metadata of a smart contract.

const metadata = await contract.metadata.get();

Return Value

While the actual return type is any, you can expect an object containing properties that follow the contract level metadata standards, outlined below:

name: string; // Name of your smart contract
description?: string; // Short description of your smart contract
image?: string; // Image of your smart contract (any URL, or IPFS URI)
symbol?: string; // Symbol of your smart contract (ticker, e.g. "ETH")
external_link?: string; // Link to view this smart contract on your website
seller_fee_basis_points?: number // The fee you charge on secondary sales, e.g. 100 = 1% seller fee.
fee_recipient?: string; // Wallet address that receives the seller fee

get - Owner

Retrieve the wallet address of the owner of the smart contract.

const owner = await contract.owner.get();

Return Value

A string representing the owners wallet address.


get - Permissions

Get a list of wallet addresses that are members of a given role.

const members = await contract.roles.get("{{role_name}}");


The name of the role.

Must be a string.

const members = await contract.roles.get(

Return Value

An array of strings representing the wallet addresses associated with the given role.



Get the metadata and current owner of all NFTs in the contract.

By default, returns the first 100 NFTs (in order of token ID). Use queryParams to paginate the results.

const nfts = await contract.erc721.getAll();

queryParams (optional)

Provide an optional object to configure the query. Useful for paginating the results.

const queryParams = {
// The number of NFTs to return
count: 100, // Default is 100
// The index to start from
start: 0, // Default is 0

const nfts = await contract.erc721.getAll(queryParams);

Return Value

Returns an array of NFT objects.

metadata: {
id: string;
uri: string; // The raw URI of the metadata
owner: string;
name?: string | number | undefined;
description?: string | null | undefined;
image?: string | null | undefined; // If the image is hosted on IPFS, the URL is<hash>
external_url?: string | null | undefined;
animation_url?: string | null | undefined;
background_color?: string | undefined;
properties?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | {
[x: string]: unknown;
}[] | undefined;
type: "ERC1155" | "ERC721";

getAll - Permissions

Retrieve all of the roles and associated wallets.

const allRoles = await contract.roles.getAll();

Return Value

An object containing role names as keys and an array of wallet addresses as the value.

<Record<any, string[]>>

grant - Permissions

Make a wallet a member of a given role.

const txResult = await contract.roles.grant(


The name of the role to grant.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.roles.grant(


The wallet address to assign the role to.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.roles.grant(

revoke - Permissions

Revoke a given role from a wallet.

const txResult = await contract.roles.revoke(


The name of the role to revoke.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.roles.revoke(


The wallet address to remove the role from.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.roles.revoke(


Get all wallet addresses that own an NFT in this contract.

const owners = await contract.erc721.getAllOwners();

Return Value

Returns an array of objects containing a tokenId and owner address.

  • tokenId is the ID of the NFT.
  • owner is the wallet address of the owner that owns the NFT.
tokenId: number;
owner: string;


Gets the royalty recipient and BPS (basis points) of the smart contract.

const royaltyInfo = await contract.royalties.getDefaultRoyaltyInfo();

Return Value

Returns an object containing the royalty recipient address and BPS (basis points) of the smart contract.

seller_fee_basis_points: number;
fee_recipient: string;


Get the metadata of all NFTs a wallet owns from this contract.

// Address of the wallet to get the NFTs of
const address = "{{wallet_address}}"; // Optional - Defaults to the connected wallet
const nfts = await contract.erc721.getOwned(address);

address (optional)

The address of the wallet to get the NFTs of. If not provided, defaults to the connected wallet address.

const nfts = await contract.erc721.getOwned(

Return Value

Returns an array of NFT objects.

metadata: {
id: string;
uri: string; // The raw URI of the metadata
owner: string;
name?: string | number | undefined;
description?: string | null | undefined;
image?: string | null | undefined; // If the image is hosted on IPFS, the URL is<hash>
external_url?: string | null | undefined;
animation_url?: string | null | undefined;
background_color?: string | undefined;
properties?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | {
[x: string]: unknown;
}[] | undefined;
type: "ERC1155" | "ERC721";


Get the token IDs of all NFTs a wallet owns from this contract.

const ownedTokenIds = await contract.erc721.getOwnedTokenIds(

address (optional)

The address of the wallet to get the NFTs of.

Defaults to the connected wallet address.

Must be a string.

Return Value

Returns an array of BigNumbers representing the token IDs of the NFTs.



Gets the royalty recipient and BPS (basis points) of a particular token in the contract.

const royaltyInfo = await contract.royalties.getTokenRoyaltyInfo(


The token ID to get the royalty info for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

Return Value

Returns an object containing the royalty recipient address and BPS (basis points) of the token.

seller_fee_basis_points: number;
fee_recipient: string;


Get the contents that are wrapped inside of a multiwrap NFT.

const contents = await contract.getWrappedContents("{{token_id}}");


The token ID of the multiwrap NFT to get the contents of.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


Unwrap a multiwrap NFT and get the contents out of it.

Note: this process burns the multiwrap NFT.

const txResult = await contract.unwrap("{{token_id}}");


The token ID of the multiwrap NFT to unwrap.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

recipientAddress (optional)

The wallet address that will receive the tokens that are unwrapped.

Must be a string. By default, the wallet address of the connected wallet is used.


Get whether this wallet has approved transfers from the given operator.

This means that the operator can transfer NFTs on behalf of this wallet.

const isApproved = await contract.erc721.isApproved(
// Address of the wallet to check
// Address of the operator to check


The wallet address that owns the NFT.

Must be a string.

const isApproved = await contract.erc721.isApproved(


The wallet address of the operator to check (i.e. the wallet that does/does not have approval).

Must be a string.

const isApproved = await contract.erc721.isApproved(


Get the wallet address of the owner of an NFT.

const owner = await contract.erc721.ownerOf("{{token_id}}");


The token ID of the NFT to get the owner of.

Must be a BigNumber, number, or string.

Return Value

Returns a string representing the wallet address of the owner of the NFT.


set - Contract Metadata

Overwrite the metadata of a contract, an object following the contract level metadata standards.

This operation ignores any existing metadata and replaces it with the new metadata provided.

const txResult = await contract.metadata.set({
name: "My Contract",
description: "My contract description",


Provide an object containing the metadata of your smart contract following the contract level metadata standards.

name: string; // Name of your smart contract
description?: string; // Short description of your smart contract
image?: string; // Image of your smart contract (any URL, or IPFS URI)
symbol?: string; // Symbol of your smart contract (ticker, e.g. "ETH")
external_link?: string; // Link to view this smart contract on your website
seller_fee_basis_points?: number // The fee you charge on secondary sales, e.g. 100 = 1% seller fee.
fee_recipient?: string; // Wallet address that receives the seller fee

set - Owner

Set the owner address of the contract.

const txResult = await contract.owner.set("{{wallet_address}}");


The wallet address of the new owner.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.owner.set(

setAll - Permissions

Overwrite all roles with new members.

Dangerous Operation

This overwrites all members, INCLUDING YOUR OWN WALLET ADDRESS!

This means you can permanently remove yourself as an admin, which is non-reversible.

Please use this method with caution.

const txResult = await contract.roles.setAll({
admin: ["0x12", "0x123"],
minter: ["0x1234"],


An object containing role names as keys and an array of wallet addresses as the value.

const txResult = await contract.roles.setAll(
admin: ["0x12", "0x123"], // Grant these two wallets the admin role
minter: ["0x1234"], // Grant this wallet the minter role


Give another address approval (or remove approval) to transfer any of your NFTs from this collection.


Proceed with caution. Only approve addresses you trust.

await contract.erc721.setApprovalForAll(
"{{wallet_address}}", // The wallet address to approve
true, // Whether to approve (true) or remove approval (false)


The wallet address to approve.

Must be a string.


Whether to approve (true) or remove approval (false).

Must be a boolean.


Give another address approval (or remove approval) to transfer a specific one of your NFTs from this collection.


Proceed with caution. Only approve addresses you trust.

// Approve the wallet address
await contract.erc721.setApprovalForToken(
"{{wallet_address}}", // The wallet address to approve
"{{token_id}}", // The token ID of the NFT to allow them to transfer


The wallet address to approve.

Must be a string.


The token ID of the NFT to allow the operator to transfer.

Must be a BigNumber, number, or string.


Set the royalty recipient and fee for the smart contract.

await contract.royalties.setDefaultRoyaltyInfo({
seller_fee_basis_points: 100, // 1% royalty fee
fee_recipient: "0x...", // the fee recipient


The royalty fee in BPS (basis points). 100 = 1%.

Must be a number.


The wallet address that will receive the royalty fees.

Must be a string.


Set the royalty recipient and fee for a particular token in the contract.

await contract.royalties.setTokenRoyaltyInfo("{{token_id}}", {
seller_fee_basis_points: 100, // 1% royalty fee
fee_recipient: "0x...", // the fee recipient


The token ID to set the royalty info for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.


The royalty fee in BPS (basis points). 100 = 1%.

Must be a number.


The wallet address that will receive the royalty fees.

Must be a string.

verify - Permissions

Check to see if a wallet has a set of roles.

Throws an error if the wallet does not have any of the given roles.

const verifyRole = await contract.roles.verify(
["admin", "minter"],


An array of roles to check.

Must be an array of strings.

const verifyRole = await contract.roles.verify(
["admin", "minter"],


The wallet address to check.

Must be a string.

const verifyRole = await contract.roles.verify(
["admin", "minter"],


Get the total number of NFTs that are currently in circulation.

i.e. the number of NFTs that have been minted and not burned.

const totalSupply = await contract.erc721.totalCirculatingSupply();

Return Value

Returns a BigNumber.



Get the total number of NFTs minted in this contract.

Unlike totalCirculatingSupply, this includes NFTs that have been burned.

const totalSupply = await contract.erc721.totalCount();

Return Value

Returns a BigNumber.



Transfer an NFT from the connected wallet to another wallet.

const walletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";
const tokenId = 0;
await contract.erc721.transfer(walletAddress, tokenId);


The wallet address to transfer the NFT to.

Must be a string.

await contract.erc721.transfer(


The token ID of the NFT to transfer.

Must be a BigNumber, number, or string.

await contract.erc721.transfer(

update - Contract Metadata

Update the metadata of your smart contract.

const txResult = await contract.metadata.update({
name: "My Contract",
description: "My contract description",


Provide an object containing the metadata of your smart contract following the contract level metadata standards.

New properties will be added, and existing properties will be overwritten. If you do not provide a new value for a previously set property, it will remain unchanged.

Below are the properties you can define on your smart contract.

name: string; // Name of your smart contract
description?: string; // Short description of your smart contract
image?: string; // Image of your smart contract (any URL, or IPFS URI)
symbol?: string; // Symbol of your smart contract (ticker, e.g. "ETH")
external_link?: string; // Link to view this smart contract on your website
seller_fee_basis_points?: number // The fee you charge on secondary sales, e.g. 100 = 1% seller fee.
fee_recipient?: string; // Wallet address that receives the seller fee


Wrap a set of tokens into a new multiwrap NFT.

Note: you need to provide the multiwrap smart contract allowance (for ERC20 tokens), or approval (for ERC721 and ERC1155 NFTs) before calling the wrap function.

// Grant approval - ERC721 tokens
await erc721Contract.setApprovalForToken(multiwrapAddress, "{{token_id}}";

// Grant approval - ERC1155 tokens
await erc1155Contract.setApprovalForAll(multiwrapAddress, true);

// Grant approval - ERC20 tokens
await erc20Contract.setAllowance(multiwrapAddress, "{{quantity}}");

// Finally, wrap the tokens in to a new multiwrap NFT
const txResult = await contract.wrap(
erc20Tokens: [
contractAddress: "0x...", // Contract address of the token contract
quantity: "0.8", // Quantity of this token to wrap
erc721Tokens: [
contractAddress: "0x...", // Contract address of the NFT smart contract
tokenId: "0", // Token ID of the NFT to wrap
erc1155Tokens: [
contractAddress: "0x...", // Contract address of the NFT smart contract
tokenId: "1", // Token ID of the NFT to wrap
quantity: "2", // Quantity of this NFT to wrap

// Metadata of the new multiwrap NFT to create
name: "Wrapped bundle",
description: "This is a wrapped bundle of tokens and NFTs",
image: "ipfs://...", // Can be any IPFS URI, or URL, or File object.


An array of objects containing a contractAddress and quantity of the ERC20 token to wrap.


An array of objects containing a contractAddress and tokenId of the ERC721 token to wrap.


An array of objects containing a contractAddress, tokenId, and quantity of the ERC1155 token to wrap.


An object containing the metadata of the new multiwrap NFT to create.

Metadata can be a string, containing a URL that points to, or an object containing valid metadata properties.